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Institute of Integrative Nutrition
  • Investment date
  • Headquarters
    New York

Institute of Integrative Nutrition

A school and movement changing health and wellness around the world.
  • Investment date
  • Headquarters
    New York
Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) was founded in 1992 by Joshua Rosenthal and is a leading nutrition school. Through its innovative, one-year Health Coach Training Program, built specifically for the adult learner, with lectures taught by renown physicians, researchers, doctors, and nutrition experts, IIN’s holistic program teaches over 100 dietary theories as well as personal development philosophy, health coaching, and business skills. More than a school, Integrative Nutrition is a movement changing the landscape of health and wellness around the world, having trained over 100,000 students and graduates in over 150 countries.
  • Add-On Acquisition activity
    Begin to Heal (2020)
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