Our team

Authentic and approachable.

Our team works together to create long-term value for our companies. We tap into our years of experience, knowledge, and tools to customize our approach for each unique business. We work side-by side to champion our companies’ successes.

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Photo of Harry Alappat

Harry Alappat

Photo of Brian Allingham

Brian Allingham

Partner and Chief Operating Officer
Photo of Tony Armand

Tony Armand


Will Borwege

Photo of Jared Brown

Jared Brown

Managing Director
Photo of John Brownschidle

John Brownschidle

Vice President
Photo of Desirae Butler

Desirae Butler

Director of Compliance & Risk Management
Photo of Josie Carlson

Josie Carlson

Executive Assistant

Bailey DeMets

Photo of Jack Dempsey

Jack Dempsey

Operating Advisor
Photo of Tim DeVries

Tim DeVries

Managing Partner
Photo of Ben Epstein

Ben Epstein

Photo of John Fiyod

John Fiyod

Chief Financial Officer
Photo of Danny Fox

Danny Fox

Photo of Eric Frueh

Eric Frueh

Photo of Greg Glasson

Greg Glasson

Technology Project Manager
Photo of Juan Gonzalez

Juan Gonzalez

Investment Operations Coordinator
Photo of Heather Goodwin

Heather Goodwin

Senior Advisor, Strategic Communications
Photo of John Hale

John Hale

Operating Partner
Photo of Teen Hatab

Deen Hatab

Assistant Controller
Photo of Billy Hegeman

Billy Hegeman

Operating Advisor
Photo of Jaime Johnson

Jaime Johnson

Senior Human Resources Analyst
Photo of Amanda Julian

Amanda Julian

Operating Advisor
Photo of Tim Kuehl

Tim Kuehl

Photo of Beth Lesniak

Beth Lesniak

Managing Director

Parker Loving

Vice President
Photo of Angela Marsolek

Angela Marsolek

Team Coordinator
Photo of Gina Milham

Gina Milham

Brand and Content Manager
Photo of Matt Mitan

Matt Mitan

Senior Associate
Photo of Chuck Moorse

Chuck Moorse

General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
Photo of Rachael Newman

Rachael Newman

Team Coordinator
Photo of Alex Perez

Alex Perez

Executive Assistant
Photo of Lauryn Stevener

Lauryn Polyak

Finance Manager
Photo of Brandon Ressler

Brandon Ressler

Director of Finance
Photo of Geraldine Ricks

Geraldine Ricks

Photo of Rochelle Rogers

Rochelle Rogers

Director of Legal Operations

Sarah Schiemann

Senior Paralegal
Photo of Jim Sharman

Jim Sharman

Operating Advisor
Photo of Marc Silloway

Marc Silloway

Senior IT Specialist
Photo of Natali Silva

Natali Silva

Office Coordinator
Photo of Todd Solow

Todd Solow

Photo of Kevin Somerville

Kevin Somerville

Operating Advisor
Photo of Jason Sondell

Jason Sondell

Managing Director
Photo of Josh Stiefel

Josh Stiefel

Photo of Nicole Strait

Nicole Strait

Chief of Organization Strategy
Photo of Victoria Stoonsnyder

Victoria Stroosnyder

Office Coordinator
Photo of Mark Thom

Mark Thom

Operating Partner
Photo of Tyrus Williams

Tyrus Williams

Operating Partners, Operating Advisors and Senior Advisors are independent contractors that are advisors to Norwest Equity Partners and portfolio companies of Norwest Equity Partners and are neither employees nor affiliates of Norwest Equity Partners entities. Fees paid to them by portfolio companies do not offset or reduce amounts paid to Norwest Equity Partners.